If you're a more advanced player and are looking for a high-performing, blade-style iron, look no further than the PXG 0311 ST GEN4 Blades. PXG Ambassador Alex Riggs breaks down their features in this short video. Shop for your next set of irons here: https://pxg.golf/2Vso59u Never sold off the shelf, PXG clubs are engineered to be customized for optimum performance. Every golf club is built by hand with painstaking care to meet your unique specifications and then closely inspected before being black-boxed and prepared for delivery. Shop now and "dial in" your specs for the world's finest golf equipment: https://pxg.golf/3AkMQmV Nobody makes golf clubs the way we do. Period.
One question we get all the time – what is the big difference between the 0211 ST and 0311 ST Blades? PXG Ambassador Alex Riggs breaks it down in this short video! Learn more about these high-performing beauties here: https://pxg.golf/3knrTTr Never sold off the shelf, PXG clubs are engineered to be customized for optimum performance. Every golf club is built by hand with painstaking care to meet your unique specifications and then closely inspected before being black-boxed and prepared for delivery. Shop now and "dial in" your specs for the world's finest golf equipment: https://www.pxg.com/en-us/clubs
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